How it Works

Places With Others

Finding an affordable property in London that works for multiple people can be challenging. Often, a listing may fit most needs but be too far for one person to commute, or too expensive for another. This process is time-consuming and frustrating, especially when you can't find a property that suits everyone.

CloseMove's 'Places With Others' solves this problem with just a few clicks. Enter the budget, maximum commute time, and work area for up to 6 people, and we'll instantly show you all available properties that fit your group's criteria. If no listings meet everyone's needs, we'll help you adjust your search. For example, we might suggest: "If Greg increases his commute by just 5 minutes, these 8 properties become suitable."

We leverage detailed data on transport routes, street layouts, and major work hubs to ensure you find options that meet your needs for:

This service also works perfectly for individuals looking for their own property!

Whether you're searching solo or with housemates, CloseMove helps streamline the process, so you can find a property that works for everyone in less time.

Ready to find your next home? Try CloseMove today and discover how easy finding the right place can be.

Step 1: Enter Your Preferences.

Enter the details of all potential housemates.

Step 2: Get Matching Property Listings.

Receive a list of matching properties, as well as rent costs, travel times for each person, and travel routes.

Step 3: Adjust Search Parameters if Necessary.

If there are no valid properties, loosen search parameters.

Step 4: Choose the Pefect Home!